by ronald augusto festival in the ocean folks swarming over the waters of the great mother sacred ground seized by thighs crowned by bass-hips rapturous living frock propped on its own hem lengthy-cerulean flowing from bosom down to ankles licking against her curves lubricated always resuming wandering lady mistress over sparkling flowers smoothly extricates herself dancing a honey-flowing fancy white flamed phlegm green petals one foot before another eye drawing out to cast on shore just what is kept at her eyes level incessant go-go (baggage carousel) or as if perched on a procession chariot suspended above pain and adoration sinewy serene siren conveyer plummeting identical toy boats objects from street craft fairs spawning of trinkets on the clear beach courtesan of all moons iwas verses vortices sweet smelling baroque buttocks her hips justify her epithet: earth shaker naked armpit polished as a shell in its hollowed inside if homer had met yoruba yemanja perhaps he would have fas
Ronald Augusto é poeta e ensaísta. Licenciado em Filosofia pela UFRGS e Mestre em Letras (Teoria, Crítica e Comparatismo) pela mesma universidade. É autor de, entre outros, Homem ao Rubro (1983), Vá de Valha (1992), Confissões Aplicadas (2004), No Assoalho Duro (2007), Cair de Costas (2012), Oliveira Silveira: poesia reunida (2012), e Decupagens Assim (2012). É colunista do site Sul21